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Technical Details


  1. Fluid simulator with real-time view ports and preset management
  2. Baking Tool saving density & velocity data to Flipbooks and Flipbook-Player-Materials
  3. VolumeSmoke, VolumeCloud and VolumeFog setups to drive volumetrics with flipbooks (Ninja v1.5-1.6)
  4. Niagara modules to sample the baked fluid data and drive GPU particle systems (Ninja v1.4)
  5. Flowmap and VectorField creation tools
  6. Blueprint functions for managing NiagaraSystems and RayMarching
  7. Demo levels with 100+ use cases for stylized and realistic VFX


Niagara and Cascade particles, Bitmaps and a Painter are providing initial conditions for the simulation


Flipbooks, Flowmaps, VectorFields and ready-to-use Container Materials embedding baked data


  • UE5 compatibility
  • Real time, parameter controlled fluid simulator with density and velocity output
  • Atlas map and image sequence baker, generating Texture assets and Vector Field data
  • Tiling, Looping baked data, ready to cover large areas
  • Material generator to automatically embed the baked assets
  • Niagara Modules to sample the baked data
  • Niagara Base Emitters / Systems and Blueprints to showcase various setups
  • A library of tutorial and sample VFX assets (fire, smoke, plasma, explosions)
  • Two hours of tutorial videos and 60+ pages of know-how / documentation in 3 PDFs

Supported Engine Versions
4.20 - 4.27

To copyright holders: The current post does not contain any materials that violate your rights the materials that are available for download include only training video, tutorials and examples!
Disclaimer : All Materials are for personal use, training purposes & not for Commercial.

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